Friday, 12 December 2008

Brighton &Hove City council gets in touch

Seeing the library exhibition "Labour of Love" Lucy Bryson, Policy and Development Coordinator for Asylum Seekers and Refugees from Brighton & Hove City Council has been in touch to organise an activity for Eastern Europeans in our city.

The exhibition was put on in collaboration with Hannah Mathews for the Brighton Photo Fringe 2008.

If you have any suggestions how they could help you to feel part of the community, please let us know: or contact Lucy Bryson at Brighton & Hove Council.

The photo project had a nice double page spread in the Argus. To read the full online version click here.

Monday, 18 August 2008

The follow up exhibition

It's official, "Labour of Love" is part of the Brighton Photo Fringe 2008. The dates are:

Jubilee Library, Jubilee Street Brigton: 1/11/2008 - 14/11/2008
(in collaboration with Hannah Matthew)

City College Brighton and Hove, 1st floor: 20/11/08-04/11/08.
(Solo show)

If you want to get in touch about the project contact

Julia: 079 444 33 076 or e-mail:

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Are you Happy?

As my project draws to an end I have been asking myself if the New EU generation is actually happy living in England. Most of the people I photographed have a job, a flat and friends and have been rather successful in starting a new life abroad. Sometimes they feel just "lucky" to be here and aim to stay for quite a while.

Yet it is much harder for others. Some people are home sick and don't feel part of the community they live in, a Joseph Rowntree report has revealed. There are issues for young people such as missing their friends back home, constant job changes, extremely high bills etc. Some go back home - disappointed by their journey to the UK.

In it's dispatches series "Immigration: The inconvenient truth", Channel 4 recently came up with the term "International Commuters" saying many Eastern Europeans now fly back and fourth for work- between Poland and the UK for instance. They also reveal that migrants now prefer Spain, Greece or even Sweden to the UK and are moving away from Britain.

Whatever your situation- I want to hear from you!

I would like to follow up on the New EU Generation who knows no borders.


E-mail me:

Monday, 25 February 2008

Labour of Love - The book

Finally it's ready. My book about the new EU generation at work. It includes portraits, some of their stories and two essays from Bulgarian academics, Daryana Kotzeva (Social and Labour Affairs, Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria- London) and Eugenia Markova (who has co-written the report "East European Immigration and Community Cohesion" for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation).

On the right you can find a badge which links to a preview or buy the book page or follow this link: - please note the price is in Dollars (good exchange rate!) but you can change it to £ or € on the bottom right if you wish. If you decide to go for it, use UPS as it is faster and trackable (Swisspost takes longer - about 2-3 weeks), below are a few screen shots - I appreciate your feedback. Enjoy!