I am thinking about writing a more educationally focused blog, as teaching is part of my creative endeavor. Watch out for a new tab appearing on the blog.
Here a selection of City College Brighton and Hove Photography Graduates 2011.
BTEC Level 3 National Diploma Photography: The Diploma graduates have produced some stunning work this year, it went up so quickly and we were all so involved that I only managed to trace two images so far. However, they are great ones by and Tom Selmon who are both going on to study Fashion Photography at Falmouth University. I love the juxtaposition of nature and beauty in Scarlett's work and the surreal qualities in Tom's image based on the tale of the LaLaurie slaves . The fashion world is a tough one- Good luck to them both! 1. Scarlett Casciello ©, 2.Tom Selmon ©

BTEC Level 3 National Subsidiary Diploma Photography: Let's start with a nice time laps (madeup of nearly 2000 still images!) of hanging the Sub Sid Diplma End of Year Show, created by Michael Addison:
Some Highlights from this course: Felix Cockell and Tom Wilson Keller have sold their images privately, both have produced stunning landscapes photos and there are many more gems to be seen. Students have excelled in their final project on Environmental Photography as well as in Portraiture and documentary image making. You can find more images put together in the following two Flickr Galleries: Landscapes and Portraits.
Images from the top (left to right): Abandoned car by Tom Keller, Cranes against sunset by Momo Werner, Squares by Emma Buttery, Lucyamie Towner Hibberd (two portraits), Monroe by Annabel Louise Clifton, Shaun Morrison by Alex Gill. Some of the student's work has also featured on Phil Coomes BBC blog: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-14215513