The project aims to raise questions about the decline of Britain's infrastructure, the neglect of the environment and the value of places shared by the public.
Having developed my own body of work, which responds to the city's infrastructural and environmental issues, I invited 14 participants to contribute to a group show. The work was shown as at the Fringe Focus Space, Old Co-op, London Road, Brighton, 5th Nov.- 14th Nov 2010.Infrastructural issues are seen in Paul Cummings' "Road side" (shortlisted for the Thread Needle Prize), Phillip Bedford's "block 2010", John Santa Cruz' obsolete military structures as well as industrial neglect seen in Paul Mc Carthy's and Rick Waterson's work.
Simon Peterson's "Unseen", Lucy Albone's "Dismissed" and Beatrice Haverich's images from the book "The whisper of a million leaves" all respond to the environmental aspect of the show.

We held a pop up event: "Brighton rants" (Speakers corner type event) on Saturday, 13th November 2010, 2-4pm where residents could voice their opinions. A video recoding can be found on my flickr page: freshandwild. Or read what Claire Banks had to say on the Argus Community pages. The "rants" were voice recorded and are available on request.
The participants for the exhibition were:
Amelia Wakeford
Paul Mc Carthy
Lucy Albone
Grace Flynn
Simon Peterson
You can still take part by adding your images or rants onto the Flickr group: