It's not easy to generate new ideas but even harder to stick with them and create something half decent from it! Especially if you want your work to be contemporary and without cliches (as suggested by Martin Parr). At the last ArtsFORUM, Martin Seeds' project "I have troubles" has inspired me to try once again. Come back sometime and check how the ideas develop...

Work I have started out on in summer 2011 along the back roads of Shoreham Port. The project is inspired by Fay Godwin's "Our forbidden land" which comments critically on the claim of public land for private use by co-operations/government.
Since arriving in the UK in 1999, I have noticed how little investment is given to recreational areas allowing swim, rest and play. These images explore the potential of "shared space" and its need for this generation.

This project is a comment on our current economic situation. There has been a resurgence of buying and selling second hand goods with a view towards sustainability.
The project aims to look at the value we place on objects (quality vs. quantity vs. price vs. usability). It is an attempt to a multi-layered approach encompassing objects and portraits. I have started image making in November 2011 photographing at car boots sale.
At this stage I am exploring where my motivation for taking these images comes from and if these projects have anything that ties them together. The titles are working titles and subject to change... Some of the work is shot on medium format, some on my mobile and some on vintage film cameras found at car boots sales. See results here:
I would also like to involve a group of photographers opening a photo stall/live shoot.
Get in touch for more info:
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